Would you believe that first one came out tooooo big by one lousy inch. I'm not at all a mathematician, and have no patience. Most of the time that is not a problem. But this challenge had rules--9x12 max size. Darn thing came out 10x11 1/2, cause I didn't do the math right!!! So here is a second one, definately under the max size. I took the basic idea from the first postcard quilt I had made. I love my big cats and I had these great textures in these materials. I thought these big cats looked like they were enjoying a chat session in the shade.
Here in this close-up you can tell I added gold beads and did a bunch of fun machine embroidery. There is even a little hand quilting around the 'girls' to make them stand out.
Now I get to make some more postcards. Well, maybe I better take some time to catch up on my bookkeeping and pay our bills. Uggggh! But somebody's gotta do it!
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